UI For configuring client
rheimus opened this issue ยท 3 comments
It would be much more friendly for users to have a UI to configure ignored files and other such settings client side.
Prototype based on UWP
What do you think about
add button to edit/save "Ip adress" and "port"
display a list of mods comparing the client version with that of the server. The user can then know which version will be updated. (Easier than looking in the logs)
The address you are connecting to is one of the primary concerns for the client UI, it makes sense for the IP and Port fields to be always available rather than hidden behind clicks/menus.
A list of files is what I was thinking of yeah, basic spitball of a prototype here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/spitball-ss-client-config?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.html
Though we will probably run into issues when users decide to sync all their config files as well, will be a bit of a nightmare scrolling through thousands of them, might need to chunk the list up into sections based on the "managed directories".