How would Serversync work on a server running multiple instances of MC server?
InnerSanctuary opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Serversync Version:
Minecraft Version:
Good Morning!
I am very excited finding your software and thank you for all your effort. I am wondering how this sync works with multiple minecraft instances running on a server (all with different ports of course). In other words, how do i modify your bat file to run server sync for all my kid's instances?>
Thank you!
Logs (serverysync & minecraft)
The lazy start bat file is probably fine, you would just need to go into the config file for ServerSync and change which port it is serving on.
Likewise, for the client-side you would need to configure them to point at the appropriate port for whichever instance you want to connect to.
Alternatively you could start the server with the port argument set, java -jar serversync.jar --server --port 2346
Minecraft instance 1 is serving on 1234
Serverysync instance 1 is serving on 1235
Minecraft instance 2 is serving on 2345
Serversync instance 2 is serving on 2346
To sync with instance 2 you would point ServerSync's client side at: mycooldomain.com
, or from the command line: java -jar serversync.jar -o -a mycooldomain.com -p 2346
Note: If all the instances are running with the same files other than world data you could probably just set up one instance of ServerSync that is serving on some arbitrary port and point all the clients at it.