[Bug] client exe will not starting
ErythroCraft opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Serversync Version:
Minecraft Version:
client.exe will not start
Logs (serverysync & minecraft)
The client exe will not start but server side is functionaly perfect.
client side will not download mods from server side.
I don't no why
There was an experimental version that packages JFX and the JDK here: https://github.com/rheimus/ServerSync/releases
I don't know how well it works these days, have not tested it in a while. This also means the package size is massively larger as you might expect.
Most likely that Java FX is missing from your install.
It would be good to remove the dependency on it, for now though it is required unless you use the command line version of the client. e.g. using progress-only
or silent