Support for preserving file structure when using redirectors not just taking top level folder
MikeClarkeGames opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Serversync Version: 4.1.0
Minecraft Version: 1.20.1
Issue: If you have a set of files that are in a folder, and you want to redirect that to another folder structure but preserve the structure of all the folders further down the chain, this, I believe, is currently not supported. Here is an example to make it clear:
I have a "clientconfig" directory on the server. In that directory, I have a config file, but I also have a folder under that - in this case "presencefootsteps", and in that directory there's another config json. So I have:
In the server.json file, I want to specify to redirect (and use push mode) so to keep the overall structure, so I'd like:
My example config file test for this example above:
"general": {
"push_client_mods": true,
"sync_mode": 2
"connection": {
"port": 25566,
"buffer": 65536
"rules": {
"directories": [
"path": "mods",
"mode": "mirror"
"path": "clientconfig",
"mode": "push"
"files": {
"include": [
"ignore": [
"redirect": [
{ "pattern": "clientshaderpacks/", "redirectTo": "shaderpacks" },
{ "pattern": "clienttexturepacks/", "redirectTo": "texturepacks" },
{ "pattern": "clientresourcepacks/", "redirectTo": "resourcepacks" },
{ "pattern": "clientconfig/", "redirectTo": "config/" } #Note that the / here is not supported.
"misc": {
"locale": "en_CA"
P.S. This little script has saved me countless hours with clients not having to mess around downloading mods manually (and most importantly me having to explain how to do this!), I cannot stress enough how much I love the work you have done here, thank you!