Ignore and Include lists
frakier opened this issue ยท 2 comments
Serversync Version:
Minecraft Version:
1.10.2 forge 1.10.2-
Needed to protect a folder in the mods folder on the client side.
The folder is used by VoxelMods to store map data
-Tried in the FILE_IGNORE_LIST mods/VoxelMods/* -the files in the immediate folder are protected as well as the sub-folder structure. However all other files are deleted. -So I tried again with this in the FILE_IGNORE_LIST.. mods/VoxelMods/* {immediate files protected sub-folders protected} mods/VoxelMods/voxelMap/* {immediate files protected sub-folders protected} mods/VoxelMods/cache/* {sub-folders protected} mods/VoxelMods/cache/metalski.game-host.org~colon~25566/* {sub-folders protected} mods/VoxelMods/cache/metalski.game-host.org~colon~25566/Overworld (dimension 0)/* {immediate files protected sub-folders protected} mods/VoxelMods/cache/metalski.game-host.org~colon~25566/Nether (dimension -1)/* {immediate files protected sub-folders protected} mods/VoxelMods/cache/metalski.game-host.org~colon~25566/Deep Dark (dimension -11325)/* {immediate files protected sub-folders protected} mods/VoxelMods/cache/metalski.game-host.org~colon~25566/Cavern (dimension -50)/* {immediate files protected sub-folders protected} mods/VoxelMods/cache/metalski.game-host.org~colon~25566/Caveland (dimension -53)/* {immediate files protected sub-folders protected}-Suspect the reason for the problem is the space in the "Overworld (dimension 0)" folder names.
Worked, my misunderstanding on how the blob worked.
changed the file too....
then it ignored the file in the VoxelMods folder as well as all the sub folders and file as expected.
You are probably looking for mods/VoxelMods/**/*
That glob pattern will match anything in the directory mods/VoxelMods/(any sub directory)/(any file)