Blooming parts of blocks do not take brightness into account
Firch opened this issue · 1 comments
Minecraft Version
1.19.2 (potentially on higher versions too)
Shimmer version
Modpack info or mod list(please reduce mod range)
The latest.log file and hs_err_pidXXX if exists
optifine , Rubidium , flywheel or any rendering related mods. mod version is required.
Issue description
Blooming parts of blocks don't take illumination into account. If it is too dark around the block that has blooming parts, it will stay dark with blooming applied into it. It wasn't noticed before because most players usually play with "Bright" brightness setting, where it doesn't alter the color as much (if it even alters colors at all), but with "Moody" (or close to that value) brightness setting it is very noticeable that blooming parts are not illuminated.
You can see our discussion about it in discord:
How it looks with "Moody":
How it looks with "Bright":
Notice that when I turn on colored-lights setting blooming part stays unaffected by it. If not making it affected by coloring light it is probably better to make it emissive.
Steps to reproduce
1, Make block with blooming part
2. Make sure that brightness setting is on low value (for ex. "Moody")
3. Notice that blooming part is darkened by moody setting
Expected behavior:
Blooming part is emissive, unaffected by brightness, unaffected by block (other light sources) illumination and environmental (daylight) illumination
Other information
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