Shop Visualizer - [FABRIC/FORGE]

Shop Visualizer - [FABRIC/FORGE]


Fabric version not working?

OS-Void opened this issue ยท 6 comments


To my understanding the same file has to be in the server and in the client, when I put it in the server it wouldn't start.

Error loading class: com/epherical/shopvisualizer/client/ShopVisualizerClient (java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot load class com.epherical.shopvisualizer.client.ShopVisualizerClient in environment type SERVER)

But the client loads fine.


It's a client side mod only, if you're wanting to make use of the mod you would install Gunpowder Signshop, and then the shop-visualizer can read the data from the shop and display an item.


which mc version and gunpowder signshop version?


MC: 1.17
Gunpowder Signshop:
Shop-Visualizer: shop-visualizer-fabric-1.0.1


I got Signshop installed in the server, and the visualizer installed in the client but its not showing anything

Server ingame:
2021-06-20_16 35 07

Client log:
Loading Mods

  • shop-visualizer@${version}

Client shows it loaded, and no errors, but unable to see anything above shops.


ok, I took a look and gunpowder changed their NBT data, so I'll have to add a renderer for the updated format.


9141e85 fixes it. I'll have it uploaded soon. also fixed the shop-visualizer@${version} so it should show the actual mod version now.