cant get it to work no matter what
GeminiMarshdevil opened this issue ยท 20 comments
same as my previously closed issue, sorry i didnt get notified you had replied.
same everything as before but now, tested on latest forge:
my trying to send you the latest.log
if you know of a way for me to send you a 1.8mb .log file, you lemme know and i'll get on it.
~~edit: decided to just upload through google drive, the debug.log and the latest.log
also a pastebin of the modlist in use
It says "Loaded 9 code injections, ShoulderSurfing good to go". Did you press i, j, k ,l to configure the perspective ? Are other mods using the same keys ?
ahah, ok lemme try that. does shoulder surfing have a dedicated category under config keybinds?
Try setting shoulder_rotation_offset to -20 in the config file and see if it changes the perspective ingame
maybe im blind, and my search tool sucks but what?
Oppa! crash report!
Looking at the stacktrace its more likely that biomesoplenty crashed the game than shouldersurfing. (It was related to worldgen and was called from biomesoplenty). Please try launching the game again
yep, the gods did hear your order and arranged it so the game is now more stable because you dubbed it so (not joking, legit)
now im curious as to how to zoom in/out ingame?
Normally you would use I, J, K. L. You can configure the offsets in the config though
i believe so, its just a default config file that sets your camera in third person to have no offset, so it doesnt seem like the mod works at first, and then the options keybinds not being preconfigured or by default occupying other mods keybinds XD
The keybinds will be configured by the mod (I guess you installed another mod that unbinds all mod keys so they dont interfer). Just provide an override config file for shouldersurfing upon distribution