Shoulder Surfing Reloaded

Shoulder Surfing Reloaded


Disabling front view crosshair only

EzerArch opened this issue · 1 comments


Hello, I'm a... hm... a longtime user of Shoulder Surfing and I'm back using it. :)

Is there a way to disable the front view crosshair without disabling the third person one? In the following 2014 video, you see the crosshair is visible on third person camera but it's hidden on front view:

It feels like there's a bug on my face (and why would I aim at my own face btw?). The only way I've found to disable it was to set Third Person Crosshair to false, then I miss it on third person camera. Set Third Person Crosshair back to true and I have the crosshair showing on both front view and third person camera.

2020-06-26_11 36 04

2020-06-26_11 36 14


(EDIT: fixed. Redone a lost edit)


You can now set the crosshair visibility for each perspective individually