Shoulder Surfing Reloaded

Shoulder Surfing Reloaded


[FEATURE] [1.19.2 Fabric] Compatibility with AutoThirdPerson

dehen opened this issue · 3 comments


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I love this mod, I just wished it had compatibility with AutoThirdPerson for Fabric [git].

Even with Shoulder Surfing having "Replace Default Perspective" ticked, AutoThirdPerson still targets the default 3rd person perspective, instead of the shoulder cam. This is a bummer, because I'd like having a shouldercam autotrigger as I swim.

I didn't know which issue tracker this would belong to, so I probably posted it to both.


This might actually a bug of SSR. I will look into this tomorrow.


Thanks so much! That was so fast.


A new version will be available later today on curseforge. You can of course build the mod yourself if you want to use it immediately.