Wildfire's Female Gender Mod - Crash 1.20.2 (Mixin Related)
WildfireRomeo opened this issue · 4 comments
Show Me Your Skin 1.7.0
Wildfire's Female Gender Mod 3.2.1
Minecraft Version 1.20.2
Armor rendering has changed in my mod's latest version, causing your Mixin to fail and crash the game. It was separated to it's own GenderArmorLayer.java
class to allow rendering on more than just PlayerEntity
models (i.e. armor stands now).
This is most likely the new method you want to Mixin.
protected void renderBreastArmor(T entity, MatrixStack matrixStack, VertexConsumerProvider vertexConsumerProvider, int packedLightIn, boolean left) { ... }
I've disabled the compat module for now, to at least prevent a crash. The code I'm targetting seems to have changed significantly, so I'll have to reconsider how I'll approach compat.