Silent Gear

Silent Gear


run error in IDE

chris-wjn opened this issue ยท 6 comments



  • Silent Gear: 2.6.30
  • Silent's Gems: N/A
  • Silent Lib: 4.9.6
  • Forge: 36.2.0
  • Modpack: N/A
  • Optifine Installed: No

Expected Behavior

Intellij runClient to run properly.

(Description here)

Actual Behavior

Throws an error and crashes.

(Description here)


Running the runClient option in intelliJ causes the terminal to throw this error:

Mixin apply failed silentgear.mixins.json:MixinItemEntity -> net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity: org.spongepowered.asm.mixin.transformer.throwables.InvalidMixinException @shadow method func_92059_d in silentgear.mixins.json:MixinItemEntity was not located in the target class net.minecraft.entity.item.ItemEntity. Using refmap silentgear.refmap.json

At which point a few more lines of errors come up, then it crashes.

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

implement silentgear and silentlib using the following code in build.gradle:

repositories {
maven {
url ""
dependencies {
implementation ("curse.maven:silentgear-297039:3386805") {
exclude module: 'forge'
exclude module: 'jei-1.16.3'
exclude module: 'silent-lib-1.16.3'
exclude module: 'curios-forge'
implementation ("curse.maven:silentlib-242998:3235738") {
exclude module: "forge"
This is done as it is in the iafgear addon.


adding fg.deobf fixed the issue. Thanks guys.


Try adding the following lines to the build.gradle's run configs: Might be the same issue I have with Patchouli.


Added the lines, still getting same error. Maybe it's something to do with how I'm adding the dependencies? It's different than what's on your wiki, but the maven repos you have linked are not valid pages.


Hmm, pretty sure the information on the is correct...


But if i go to the urls that are provided in the for the repositories to add, they lead to error 404.


I ran into a similar issue getting silent-gear to run through those same dependencies on cursemaven for intelj.
However, I got mine to build by adding fg.deobf("...") {} after each implementation of silent-gear and silent-lib.

so implementation ("curse.maven:silentgear-297039:3386805") would change too
implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:silentgear-297039:3386805")
same idea with the implementation for the silent-lib dependency too.