Redstone Teleporter Recipe Conflicts
gencydefen opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Minecraft Version: 1.12.2
Silent's Gems Version: 2.6.7
Silent Lib Version: 2.2.16
Modpack and Version (if applicable): custom
Expected behavior
Successfully crafting redstone teleporters from various gems
Actual behaviour
Unable to craft several varieties of redstone teleporters. Here's a list of the conflicts obtained via Crafttweaker's conflict command.
I can use Crafttweaker to edit these but since there are a number of them I thought I'd open a ticket for this issue. I really enjoy this mod and appreciate your time in reading this issue.
Steps to reproduce the problem
- Place Carnelian Teleporter and redstone dust in crafting grid.
- Observe that there is no output.
- Place Ruby Teleporter and redstone dust in crafting grid.
- Craft Carnelian Redstone Teleporter.