Silent's Gems

Silent's Gems


Stats of Parts with Supercharged Materials don't get applied

tobi1449 opened this issue · 0 comments



  • Silent's Gems: SilentGems-1.16.3-3.7.8+111
  • Silent Gear: SilentGear-1.16.3-2.5.0+205
  • Silent Lib: SilentLib-1.16.3-4.9.0+63
  • Forge: 35.1.36
  • Modpack: N/A
  • Optifine Installed: No

Expected Behavior

Stats of parts with supercharged materials should be used to calculate an items stats.

Actual Behavior

Stats of parts with supercharged materials get ignored

The Azure Electrum Spear Tip has been crafted using a SSS Azure Electrum Ingot with Supercharged III

[Durability: [-20%, x1.49, x1.38, +3, +91] -> 93.36944]
[    - Azure Electrum Spear Tip: [77666, -20%]]
[    - Blaze Gold Tool Rod: [x1.49]]
[    - Netherite Coating: [x1.38, +3]]
[    - Quartz Tip Upgrade: [+91]]
[Repair Efficiency: [125%] -> 125%]
[    - Azure Electrum Spear Tip: [125%]]
[Enchantability: [x1.76, x1.62, +6] -> 6.25]
[    - Azure Electrum Spear Tip: [97]]
[    - Blaze Gold Tool Rod: [x1.76]]
[    - Netherite Coating: [+6]]
[    - Quartz Tip Upgrade: [x1.62]]
[Rarity: [49, +16] -> 64.64466]
[    - Azure Electrum Spear Tip: [139]]
[    - Blaze Gold Tool Rod: [49]]
[    - Quartz Tip Upgrade: [+16]]
[Harvest Level: [↑2, ↑4, ↑2] -> 4]
[    - Azure Electrum Spear Tip: [↑8]]
[    - Blaze Gold Tool Rod: [↑2]]
[    - Netherite Coating: [↑4]]
[    - Quartz Tip Upgrade: [↑2]]
[Harvest Speed: [x1.14, x1.16, x0.92, +2.84] -> 2.83967]
[    - Azure Electrum Spear Tip: [70]]
[    - Blaze Gold Tool Rod: [x1.14]]
[    - Netherite Coating: [x1.16]]
[    - Quartz Tip Upgrade: [x0.92, +2.84]]
[Attack Damage: [x1.28, x1.42, +3, +5.68] -> 8.67934]
[    - Azure Electrum Spear Tip: [20, +3]]
[    - Blaze Gold Tool Rod: [x1.28]]
[    - Netherite Coating: [x1.42]]
[    - Quartz Tip Upgrade: [+5.68]]
[Magic Damage: [x1.42, x1.42, +2.5] -> 2.49891]
[    - Azure Electrum Spear Tip: [25]]
[    - Blaze Gold Tool Rod: [x1.42]]
[    - Netherite Coating: [x1.42]]
[    - Quartz Tip Upgrade: [+2.5]]
[Attack Speed: [0, -2.7, +0.1, +0.3] -> -2.3]
[    - Azure Electrum Spear Tip: [0, -2.7]]
[    - Blaze Gold Tool Rod: [+0.1]]
[    - Quartz Tip Upgrade: [+0.3]]
[Attack Reach: [+1] -> 1]
[    - Azure Electrum Spear Tip: [+1]]
[Chargeability: [1.88] -> 1.875]
[    - Azure Electrum Spear Tip: [1.88]]