Simple Armor Hud

Simple Armor Hud


Custom Location

Sammy4D opened this issue · 4 comments


you should add a menu where you can move each armor piece separately to a custom location so maybe the boots is bottom right than pants is bottom left than the chestplate is top right and helmet is top left or whatever you choose but it should be custom and they shouldnt be connected to eachother you should be able to move them separately or when selecting hold ctrl to select multiple and move the selected ones


There won't be any seperate placement for armor pieces, but I will ad a few locations like next to the hotbar, in the place of the current armor bar and the spot the armor hud has been in all this time


Do you want to be able to move each armor item separately? I want to add a few customization options to the hud, like besides the hotbar or on the side of the screen, but I don't really see the need of moving each armor item separately.


I'll take a look at it, don't know how easy it is because the current code displays the armor as one block