Simple Armor Hud

Simple Armor Hud


Alternative display options (replacing the armor bar, and RTL item display)

TheDinoKingK opened this issue ยท 3 comments


'Replace Armorbar', and "Right to Left Display" options
I think there should be an option to change the way the armor hud in a way to replace the vanilla armor bar UI with that hud,
along with an option to switch the item ordering from LTR to RTL to match,
I think It'd look cleaner if you prefer to remove the armor bar from the hud entirely


Both of these features have been added in the latest dev commit, disabling the armor bar will take a bit until it gets into the mod, it will be available together with some display options.


I like the replacing of the armor bar and the rtl placement, I'll look into making this in the future

