Simple Parts Pack for Flan's Mod

Simple Parts Pack for Flan's Mod


Redoing Penetration/NumBullets

stvncao5 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


As of now, the penetration variable is based on a gun's ammo, not the gun itself. Instead, penetration could be specified for the gun itself while a penetration-multiplier could be used for the ammo. For example, a pistol can penetrate up to 2 targets with standard ammo. But using special piercing ammo with a multiplier value of "2.5" will allow the same pistol to pierce up to 5 targets.

There is a similar issue for the NumBullets variable, but in the reverse. The solution is essentially an inverse of the above suggestion. Because, realistically speaking, the number of pellets is determined by the shotgun cartridge one uses, NumBullets should really apply only to ammo items. However, in the case that one wants to get creative with futuristic/magical "shotguns", there also ought to be a "NumBulletsMultiplier" variable for the gun.


!st point: You could already put a value of 2 on the standard ammo. Then a value of 5 for the special ammo. What you are describing is neater but it's just another way to do something we can already do.

2nd point: Yes, we need this, this would make things like canister shot for tanks possible, slug rounds for shotguns and other fun things. Definitely approve.


For the first point, I want two guns to be able to use the same ammo but have different penetration factors, something not currently possible.