Simple Storage Network

Simple Storage Network


trying to pick up a searched for renamed item, picks up the first available item of that type.

majijn opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Describe problem (what you were doing / what happened):
renaming for example a crate , then trying to search for it , only shows up if I search to what I renamed it to, however, when I try to grab it, it gives me the empty ones which are in the same inventory, but earlier than the renamed crate

2019-04-06_01 31 36
2019-04-06_01 31 39
2019-04-06_01 31 41
2019-04-06_01 31 43


Hmm. yeah its searching on the rename, but grabbing items doesnt consider that.


This is a nightmare to deal with when trying to get out things like Enchanted Books or Analyzed Silents Gems because of all the subtle differences in NBT ๐Ÿ˜†


old stale version, removing for cleanup. reopen for any issues that come up with new issue template