Simple Storage Network

Simple Storage Network


Item loss bug when using the request table.

Darkhax opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Minecraft version & Mod Version: 1.12.2-1.7.2
Single player or Server: Server
Describe problem (what you were doing / what happened): I was trying to craft a storage crate from BDSM using Iron blocks. Another player tried to craft some amber at the same time. The items that were in the grid for the storage crate were completely voided and replaced with the amber items. The ingredients for my crafting recipe are completely gone, and were not dropped in the world.
Crash log (if any): No log info


This one will be fun to test :)


adding a call to a "clearContainerRecipe" where the packet sets the recipe, which does the same thing as 'clear the recipe' button and puts things in the network.

Before it would send the clear recipe message. from client. and then send recipe message.

Now it sends recipe message, and inside that it first clears container recipe


same issue still there on SMP on 1.7.4


can approve this too on v1.12.2