Simple Storage Network

Simple Storage Network


Suggestion: Have Import Cables default to Blacklist

LezChap opened this issue · 2 comments


Minecraft version & Mod Version:
On version 1.7.3 in SF 4.0.2.

Currently, Import Cables default to whitelist. In my opinion, this is counter-intuitive, and they should default to blacklist mode and import everything when placed in the world, and then if I want to restrict them later, I can. This would also mirror the way most import/transport devices in other mods work.


But if it defaults to blacklist. that means as soon as i place it down, it will start sucking items in like a free for all before I get a chance to open the GUI and customize it

So really, stariting in whitelist is a way to start it paused until you set it up .

That is the logic anyway, i will think about it and look at what other mods do


That logic makes sense now that it's brought forward...I guess I'm just used to how other mods (like AE and Refined Storage) work.