Simple Storage Network

Simple Storage Network


NULL being stored in *.nbt causes SpongeForge to shutdown server.

Wissi opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft version & Mod Version:
Minecraft 1.12.2
SimpleStorageNetwork Mod Versions: 1.12.2-1.6.0 thru 1.7.5
(Tested all of them individually. Only prior versions will work. So issue might be in 1.6.0)
(Using prior versions will not cause this and server is fine.)
Forge ver. 2825
SpongeForge ver. 2825-7.1.6-RC3741

Single player or Server:
Server side only.

Describe problem (what you were doing / what happened):
Server with SpongeForge is shutdown due to:
NULL being stored in *.nbt
Sponge is forcing a shutdown of the game because someone is storing nulls in an NBTTagCompound. Our implementation and Minecraft's strictly prevents this from happening, however, certain mods are not null checking. Please provide this report in a report to the associated mod!
Potential Culprit: storagenetwork
NBT Key: stack Exception!

Crash log (if any):

If you need the full log let me know.



Dang why is spongeforge so picky. Saying nulls are not allowed when minecraft and forge and every other mod is happy with them. <3

I mean its an easy fix for me to make, but still