Simple Storage Network

Simple Storage Network


funkyness with real filing cabinet

MasterSloth1 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft version & Mod Version:
Minecraft - 1.12.2
Forge - forge-
Simple storage networks - 1.12.2-1.7.8.jar
Real filing cabinet - 1.12-

Single player or Server:
server but no sponge

Describe problem (what you were doing / what happened):
i have a diamond chest with a import cable connected, set to
2019-08-04_10 50 49
this is my whole setup
2019-08-04_10 52 03

the network master can see all connected cables
the storage link cable settings
2019-08-04_10 46 52

the actual issue is the request table cannot see all items in all the cabinets, also the import cable isnt importing items but inserting items into the cabinets via a item conduit works perfectly.
2019-08-04_10 46 47
2019-08-04_10 47 23


From your last comment sounds not too bad. Playing on my end with latest filecabinet version it works ok, might have been on their end anyway :)


breaking and replacing the network master has fixed it, it can now see everything, as for the importing items it will only import items if the first item in the chest has a place to go so for example a iron sword has no where to go and its in the first slot of the diamond chest and i have a bone in the second slot the bone will just sit there until the iron sword is moved out of first