Simple Storage Network

Simple Storage Network


Constant "crashes" when opening remote.

Griffin224 opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I will try to open my remote and the game logs me out and tells me "A fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminated."

ssn crash

This only happens when I use the remote and no other time. (Happened with both remotes, original and upgraded.)


You might want to provide more information. Crash logs if any. At least what mods you are using so it can be replicated easier.


This has never happened to be but id like to dig in deeper and try to fix it. I have used it in single player and multiplayer both, and have seen people on servers use it in twitch stream.

You should have logs such as /logs/latest.log and also a /crashlogs/ folder .


@Griffin224 has this happened again? did you find the crash log file? What modpack is it in if any? was it server or client?


Did not completely crash the game, just the client and would boot me off the server. Started a new server with my nephew and have had zero issues.