Simple Storage Network

Simple Storage Network


Export cable fills inventories with only one item type from filter

AngleWyrm10 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


The export cable that exports from the network into an inventory just keeps on filling the inventory with a single item type from the filter for as long as that item is available to the network.

Steps to reproduce

  • Put a double-chest filled with cobblestone and one stack of torches onto a network with an import cable
  • Put a single chest on the network with an export cable
  • Set the export cable filter to accept both cobblestone and torches

Export items the inventory is out of (or lowest on) first, or a keep-a-stack-here button on the filter, or some sort of round-robin button on the filter GUI so it will do them all.

Note this may be related to issue #281

Minecraft v1.12.2, Simple Storage Network v1.12.2-1.7.10


#281 is resolved