Simple Storage Network

Simple Storage Network


Storage System over several Chunks

Patrick1417 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft version & Mod Version:
Forge 1.16.4 (35.1.0) Mod Version 1.16.3-1.2.1

Single player or Server:

Describe problem (what you were doing / what happened):

I have built the Storage system in my building and just started do make a new basement around 400 Blocks away.

But when i connect this new basement with exportcables to the old network it won't work.
I figured out that i works when somebody is near to the old network.

Is there a way to fix this problem? Thank you


sounds to me like your old network ended up in unloaded chunks, try putting a chunk loader in the chunks that the storage network takes up, im not sure if the cables need to be chunk loaded, but the rest of the system sure does need to be


Yes, try adding a chunk loader mod. By design this mod does not load any chunks