Simple Storage Network

Simple Storage Network


Storage remote stopped working / possibly wrong coordinates for master

gingasouls opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Minecraft version & Mod Version:
12.2.2 (Modpack Skyfactory 4), 1.12.2-1.7.10 ?

Single player or Server:

Describe problem (what you were doing / what happened):

After 10 hours of using SSN, the remote stopepd working at certain places. No matter where I place my master and request table, the remote (neither simple storage remote or storage remote) does not work below X = 32. Original master position: x = 38, z = 14. No matter where I place it now, if I pass below X = 32, the remote does not manage to connect. Above X = 32 it works as intended. It seems to have places my master at X = 96 for some reason, even though I have never been that far yet.

I have tried making new remotes, master, request table, connections, restarting game. None of it fixes the problem.

No crashes.