Packager Supplied by Processing Cable doesn't craft items
innesm opened this issue ยท 0 comments
Minecraft Version:
Forge Version:
Mod Version:
1.12.2 - 1.7.10 (1.7.10)
Single Player or Server:
Single Player
Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened):
In Sky Factory 4, I am trying to use Processing Cable to automate acorns/resin to dirt in a packager. The packager gets loaded with inputs but doesn't craft the output.
Although the PC supplies the right items in the right amounts, the Packager wont craft the dirt block.
I need to click an ingredient out of the Packager's input inventory and click it back into the inventory for the packager to run. After it crafts a dirt block, the PC once more supplies the correct ingredients, but again the packager doesn't craft anything.
So, when interacted with manually, the packager works, but when loaded up by the PC it doesn't do anything.
Some screenshots of my setup:
The Processing Cable Configuration: