Simple Storage Network

Simple Storage Network


Shift-clicking uses the entire storage

stevensky45 opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Minecraft Version: 1.16.5

Forge Version: 36.2.22

Mod Version: 1.5.0

Single Player or Server: server

Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened):
Not really a problem with the mod itself but shift-clicking to create an item makes 'as much as possible' of it by using the storage, this is easily done by accident and will ruin an entire supply, I was playing with a friend and he crafted like 20 diamond pickaxes this way, so I think it should not be possible to shift-click while on the storage ui or maybe put a limit on how much stuff can be done at once

Log file link:

Video/images/gifs (direct upload or link):


I wrote up an issue report for this also for crafting treated wood from immersive engineering and fluid tanks, it uses the entire tanks worth of fluid for 1 craft instead of making the expected 4 crafts worth of material. (then I saw there is already a report!)

Here is a short 40 second unlisted video, demonstrating the unexpected issue, and later how it works with the regular Minecraft crafting table as expected.

Minecraft Version: 1.16.5
Forge Version: 36.2.23
Mod Version: SimpleStorageNetwork-1.16.5-1.5.1