Simple Storage Network

Simple Storage Network


Filtered Link Cables not sending items to correct chest

TronWoWGamer opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Minecraft Version: 1.18.2

Forge Version: 40.1.61

Mod Version: 1.6.1

Single Player or Server: Home Server

Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened):
I have two walls of chests connected by both link cables and filtered link cables which are set to filter based on chest contents. When I add more of some item from a filtered chest to the system, it does not get put into the filtered linked chest but instead gets put into a random chest, which is what I am trying to avoid.

That is, I want all my raw ores (iron, gold, copper) stored in one chest and as I throw more of these raw ores into the system, I want them to get put in the filtered chest.

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same on the 1.16.5. There needs to be a priority to stack with existing items first before storing items in a random chest. Like for example I have stone bricks in a chest. When I want to store more stone bricks and just put them in the network they throw those bricks in a random chest instead of stacking it with already existing bricks...