Simple Storage Network

Simple Storage Network


Can't scroll request table inventory with controllable mod.

designgears opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Minecraft Version: 1.16.5

Forge Version: 36.2.34

Mod Version: SimpleStorageNetwork 1.5.3, Pixelmon 9.1.5, Controllable 0.16.5

Single Player or Server: Both

Describe problem (what you were doing; what happened; what should have happened):

When using a controller I'm unable to scroll the inventory on the storage request table.

Having a scroll bar or being able to navigate down thru the items instead of moving the cursor out to the search/buttons below it would be ideal.

Video/images/gifs (direct upload or link):



I too am suffering from not being able to scroll. Using Better minecraft modpack v13. I have removed the controllable mod but it still is not working.


Is there a fix for this yet?


am also having this problem, not sure how all these can all related, but I'm on steampunk [lps] going from v7 to v8.5+ breaks it


@Darkenwolf2050 go into your mod folder and delete vivecraft I tried it once on a test world and I think that was it (I deleted vivecraft and vivecraft compacts from mine) I didn't test any further or on my main world and I'm currently away from PC