[1.16.5]Couldn't load UncraftingTable
RAINBOWSCAT opened this issue ยท 1 comments
Mod File: UncraftingTable-forge-1.2.5.jar
Failure message: Uncrafting Table (uncraftingtable76) has failed to load correctly
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/minecraft/world/level/block/Block
Mod Version: 1.2.5
Mod Issue URL: https://github.com/PTOM76/uncraftingtable/issues
Exception message: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net.minecraft.world.level.block.Block
Simple Uncrafting Table is just broken on 1.16.5 Forge. Period.
Tried it with JUST the Required Dependencies (Mcpitanlib 1.7.8 (1.7.9 is Broken Everywhere), Architectury 1.32.68, Forge 36.2.34 Recommended ver.)... No Good.
Crashes w/either block.Block or player/Player class failures. :(