Simply Cats

Simply Cats


[BUG] Weird cook crash???

TuffCat opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Describe the bug
I had been doing a bunch of stuff with cats, breeding and crossbreeding, and I was trying to log each of the kittens of mom1 x dad2, and mom2 x dad1. I made a book, and named it 1x2. I then copied it and renamed the copy 2x1(the naming was done with an anvil). I logged all of the 1x2 kittens in the 1x2 book. I think I might've logged a couple of the 2x1 kittens in their book, but I can't remember. I then realized that I had forgotten to log the 1x2 parents before their kittens, and deleted the 1x2 book(i had the kittens sitting all in one place). So I copied the 2x1 book(which was a copy of the 1x2 book), and renamed the copy's copy back to 1x2. I was about to open it, hoping to find no kittens in it. If there were kittens in it, I would've just grabbed a book from the creative menu. But when I opened it, my game froze for about 45 seconds, and then it showed a 'saving world' screen for about 20 seconds, and then it closed. The launcher opened with a crash report.

To Reproduce
Open a creative mode Simply cats world, and grab a cat book and an anvil. Name the book 3x1 and then try to open the book. Your game will have crashed.

Expected behavior
I expected the second copy of the book to have no kittens if the original didn't, and if the original DID have kittens, I would expect the second copy to have some kittens in it, then I would've gotten an empty book from the creative menu and continued.

I DO have a crash log. If you would like to see it, I can send you a link to a google doc containing the crash report. I also have this smol report in the pop-up where you can select to see the crash report. It'll be in the comments!

Sorry, no screenshots!

Versions (please complete the following information):

  • Minecraft: 1.16.5
  • Forge: 36.2.34
  • Simply Cats: Newest Version, aka 0.1.3
  • list all other mods in the pack with the crash (a screenshot is okay): Alex's Mobs, Citadel 1.8.1, Easy Breeding, Genetic Animals, Give Me Water or Give Me Death, Realistic Horse Genetics, Simply Cats(of course), skds core(to support water physics mod), Water Physics Overhaul, WPO Addon Mod

Additional context
Well, it's really bad! Making a second copy of a book crashes the game when you open the book! Argh! PLEASE fix this VERY soon!

(meant to say "book" not "cook" in the title, lol XD)


Here's the mini-report:
The game crashed whilst rendering screen
Error: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 0, Size: 0
Exit Code: -1


so apparently the data for the original 2x1 book is corrupted or smtn because i tried to open it and the game crashed again XD

how do i check the nbt data for stuff? like nbt picking a chest nbt data?


ok i think that the name '3x1' is just a naturally invalid name. i tried to make a new book, and also named it 3x1, and i tried to open it, and th game crashed again XDDDDDD

Also the weird thing is that I could open all of my other books just fine!


SOLVED- I found out that it was a strange fluke with the book being copied. Every cat book you get from the search bar of the creative menu will crash upon being opened. The books from the search bar will never display any 'The book's pages are empty!' message. You can also try to store cat info in them, and they will still crash upon being opened.


actually, i found the REAL reason this was happening! i found out that books from the creative search menu are auto-corrupted, no matter what you put in the book. can you fix this, please?