Simply Cats

Simply Cats


Just some suggestions!

SassyMare-Horses opened this issue · 0 comments


Hi! I love this mod but here’s some suggestions that would be pretty fun to see ingame!

Bengal coat , I think somewhere you said something about not adding breeds,so I don’t have my hopes high for this one, but it is a beautiful coat that would be lovely to see ingame.

vitiligo cats, I think they start out a normal black cat coat, but later on there’s a gene that makes them have white patch things.

cats getting up onto trees! This would be a neat and cute feature.

The gene book saying the cats age, it would also be a neat feature and perhaps if turned on in the config they could age overtime, it would be a nice touch for realism.

Another thing for realism is for them getting fleas, or getting sick and you could get a flea comb, and different medicines for the cats.

This one would be pretty hard to do, Villagers adopting cats idk how that would be done though.

kittens play with eachother, probably another hard thing to do. But perhaps kittens could sometimes play together. And perhaps when they are almost adult they stop following mom

Edit: more ideas!
Unsure if this is already ingame, but I haven’t seen one yet, is Chimera cats! Another really pretty coat that would be cute to see .

cats having a small chance to spawn having a crooked tail, I have a kitten named crow and she has a tail that is like that , I think she was born with it!

Cats scratching furniture, maybe could be compatible with Mrcrayfish furniture mod !

cat toys decorations not really a reason for it, it would be cute.

Will edit again later!