Simply Cats

Simply Cats


[BUG] Multiplayer kittens from summoned parents crash

Whevbkae opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Describe the bug
multiplayer server crash when kittens are born

To Reproduce
kitten birth



Versions (please complete the following information):

  • Minecraft 1.16.5
  • Forge 36.2.39
  • Simply Cats 0.2.2
  • explorer_HV7mXXbzBg

Additional context
in solo everything okay


Gosh darn, I always forget to check the server side for crashes. Thank you so much for finding and reporting it! I'll get a fix out asap.

In the meantime, to safely play with Simply Cats on a server I recommend setting the breeding limit in the config to 0 to disable breeding entirely.


these cats made with a coommand, probably the crash is related to this. cat also has a bobtail
I had the same crash before on 1.12.2. while on the server, if the cat is taken from the pet carrier, he can give birth without crash


Hey! I actually can't recreate this crash. Could you give me more information? Is every breeding crashing the server, or was this a one time crash? Do you know the genetics of the parent cats?


I see, thank you! Do you remember the exact summon command information? I might be able to throw in some extra fixes to keep it from crashing, I'm just not sure where to start!


here is the summon command
/summon simplycats:cat ~ ~1 ~ {EyeColor:green,FurLength:l-l,Eumelanin:b1-b1,Phaeomelanin:XO-Xo,Dilution:d-d,DiluteMod:Dm,Agouti:A-A,Tabby:mc-mc,Spotted:Sp-sp,Ticked:Ta,Inhibitor:i-i,Colorpoint:cb-cs,White:Ws-Ws,Bobtail:jb-jb}
and summon command another parent cat
/summon simplycats:cat ~ ~1 ~ {EyeColor:albino_red,FurLength:l-l,Eumelanin:B,Phaeomelanin:Xo-Y,Dilution:d-d,DiluteMod:d-d,Agouti:A,Tabby:Mc,Spotted:Sp-sp,Ticked:Ta,Inhibitor:I,Colorpoint:C,White:w-w,Bobtail:Jb}


Gotcha, so just a few of the tags are incorrect and are definitely the cause of the crash. In the first command: DiluteMod and Ticked are missing a second allele; and in the second command: Eumelanin, Agouti, Tabby, Ticked, Inhibitor, Colorpoint, and Bobtail are missing a second allele, and DiluteMod is using incorrect alleles. Be sure to go over the wiki page for this again, and double check what you've got typed out!

I will work on adding better in-game checks for issues like these and hopefully be able to apply fixes to broken cats instead of crashing the game. Thank you so much for all the information!