Simply Cats

Simply Cats


[BUG] Cats not breeding 1.16.5

FallenMorgan opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Have females in heat and males available all intact and they not want breed I tried change they location and increase size of the location but they not want to breed not know why


Mnesikos well I told up here versions and stuff


Mnesikos I gonna remake the bug topic to be easy to you figure out


In the future, follow the bug issue template provided. What version of Simply Cats, Forge, and Minecraft are you using?

Have you read through the breeding page on the wiki?


In the future, follow the bug issue template provided. What version of Simply Cats, Forge, and Minecraft are you using?

Have you read through the breeding page on the wiki?

yes everything that breeding guide says I did and I using simple cats most recently version 0.2.2 for 1.16.5 and forge version Recommended version 1.16.5 - 36.2.34