Simply Hot Springs

Simply Hot Springs


[BUG] Server Crash + Repo License

yeelp opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Any dedicated server running SimplyHotSprings crashes.

The problem stems from ClientProxy, specifically

The @EventBusSubscriber registers the ClientProxy when the @Mod class is constructed, which obviously happens on both the client and server sides, but of course, the ClientProxy is supposed to only be registered client side. As a result, somewhere down the line, you run into this crash.

The fix should be really simple, assuming there aren't other issues present. All you have to do is indicate that the ClientProxy is supposed to be registered on the client side only. You can do this by adding an optional argument to the @EventBusSubscriber:

@EventBusSubscriber(value = Side.CLIENT)

You can read more about how this works here (this documentation uses 1.16's "architecture", so the only difference as far as I'm aware that's relevant is that in 1.16, Side was changed to Dist for the @EventBusSubscriber).

Lastly, you really should add a license to this repo. CurseForge indicates this mod has a GNU General Public License but GitHub lists none.


Whoops, that's pretty embarrassing that I didn't try pressing runServer at least once in testing...

Fixed in v0.2.0.