Simply Improved Terrain

Simply Improved Terrain


Simply Improved Terrain is causing severe generation lag in my pack

Roadhog360 opened this issue · 3 comments


Apologies for the uninformal initial post. I will update this post later, after doing some proper research, but I wanted to put this here now to make you aware that there is some sort of conflict, I will do more research into it at a later time. In the meantime, here's a spark profiler report.

In my pack, I've narrowed down that the act of simply removing Simply Improved Terrain fixes pretty much any worldgen lag, for some reason when it's installed, the server just cannot keep up, even slow movements quickly overwhelm the server and drag the TPS to its knees.

Please let me know if you'd like me to send you my modpack's files. I will investigate the issue myself sooner or later, as I love SIT's improvements. If you add me on Discord I'll also send the files there if that'd be a preferable place to send files; I have the same username everywhere.


Yeah sorry for the lack of information, I will get some time to test this more thoroughly in a few days, but I just wanted to leave this issue as a sort of marker, so you're at least aware that it happens before I get around to testing it.


Seems it may be BiomeFiddleHelper.getFiddledDistance() which is called up to 125 times in MixinBiomeManager.getBiome() for every surface block. I'll look into some optimizations for this.


Feel free to try the latest version. It includes an optimization for the BiomeManager mixin.