Simply Light

Simply Light


Question: Connected textures pack

penturt opened this issue ยท 7 comments


Does the included CTM resource pack only work with Connected Textures Mod, or would is also work with something like Fusion (Connected Textures)?


Currently yes, the sides don't connect, as im not 100% sure how to make the CTM texture for a non full blockface texture, it doesnt really bother me though, as it just looks like supports / rails / etc. :)



but ya, the slabs / panels always have CTM, the optional pack adds CTM for the full block lamps like seen here, i just made it optional since not everyone wants it for the full blocks, myself included lol


yeah i can see that, i just noticed without CTM installed the panels and slab are not connecting. could it be something related to the shaders?

Screenshot 2025-01-09 200520


So the main mod itself has had CTM support for the slabs and panels for awhile, what the optional pack does it adds it for the Illuminant Block (full block lamps), to make that optional as not everyone wants them connected.

As for compatibility with fusion, im not sure, ive never heard of it, if it uses the same metadata as CTM it should be fine, but i only made CTM metadata and textures.


Ahh got it, ok I'll just give it test.


Should the sides of the panel and slab not be connected?

Screenshot 2025-01-08 202249


It needs CTM or another mod that is compatible with the CTM metadata to connect them.