Simply Skills [FABRIC]

Simply Skills [FABRIC]


Subject: Bug Report: Issue with the "Skyward Strike" Ability on Server Fabric 1.20.1

GoldWayYT opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Dear Simply Skills Team,

I am writing to report a critical bug encountered while using the "Skyward Strike" ability (ID: m9xj5d6nb1bfpou8) in the Simply Skills mod on a Minecraft server running Fabric 1.20.1.

After using the "Skyward Strike" ability, the targeted mob or player becomes "magnetized," resulting in a phantom-like state that severely disrupts normal gameplay. Specifically, the affected entity cannot properly interact with any blocks that have inventories, including their own inventory. However, they can still break blocks, deal damage, shoot, and interact with mechanisms. In this state, the player's health bar appears empty, as if they are continuously dying, but the death screen never appears.

Attempts to kill the affected mobs or players using the "/kill" command are unsuccessful. Mobs eventually despawn in the void or after some time, but players become immune to void damage. Even at a height of -25,000, instant death does not occur.

Editing the "health" parameter, which changes to "NaN" (not a number) after this issue occurs, to 20 temporarily resolves the phantom state, and red hearts reappear. However, upon the player's death, the issue resurfaces, returning them to the perpetual death and phantom state. The only permanent solution so far has been to completely delete the player's data from the server.

This bug significantly impacts gameplay, making it impossible for affected players to continue normally. I would greatly appreciate it if your team could investigate this issue and provide a fix in an upcoming update.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. Please let me know if you require any further information or logs to help diagnose and resolve this issue.


Same issue as #105