Simply Skills [FABRIC]

Simply Skills [FABRIC]


Nerf and Buff advices

Sephiro92 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


First thank to all of you who made this mod, it provide joy and fun to a lot of people.
I came here to suggest some nerf and buff to the mod since we are many to play with a lot of hours on it and we see stuff happening that just turn the fun into "I press one button and I go do something else"

Friends and I are keep testing more stuff and give you some feedback about it :

Crusader => Consecration : The spell coldown is write as 30sec but only have 24sec of coldown in-game, plus the spell last for 23sec. I think it would be better to make the coldown last at least 60sec in-game because despite the healing effect not being too much powerful (even with all healing stats) it mainly cause the player to be immortal to any attack because of the knockback.

Raging Javelin => Maybe lower the rate of the throwing weapon since if dog or teamate happen to hit an enemy near it proc Raging Javelin (even seem to stack somehow) and anyone turn into gatling gun throwing their item in hand with this passive.

That mostly all for now, I will come back with more feedback once we find something that just break the game or any bugs.
Best regards