Simply Skills [FABRIC]

Simply Skills [FABRIC]


[1.20.1] Marksmanship Buff Missing Texture

AetheriMC opened this issue · 4 comments


Minecraft v1.20.1
Fabric v0.14.24
SimplySkills v1.0.0+1.20.1

The marksmanship buff is missing its textures.


I assume you're both playing MMC2.
This was previously an issue for every spell effect I had that was referencing a vanilla minecraft model/texture, specifically in MMC2. There is a mod in the pack that messes with this, and I've not been able to locate it.

I'll replace the reference to the vanilla arrow texture with a custom texture in the future - this will resolve the issue.
For clarity, this is what you should be seeing:
Screenshot 2024-02-19 181322


Hello, for clarity, i´m not playing MMC2.

This bug seemed to always be there since i added the fabric mod for my forge modpack with sinytra conector and forgified api, but i´ll do some tests later to see if i find out what mod is causing it (now my modpack has around 130 mods but this bug has been there since it had 30 so i might be able to locate the mod that´s messing with the textures if it´s not the connector stuff).

Also i found this same issue with the rogue hability too, i think its the one where you get stacks of might or something when your invisibility is broken by yourself.


Thank you all for the reports and information!
This should now be fixed as of version 1.1.0


Confirming that this is still an issue.