Simply Skills [FABRIC]

Simply Skills [FABRIC]


Horses don't count as "pets" for the purposes of Ranger skills

AngelTechnic opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Straightforward as the title. Tamed horses are not considered pets by the Ranger's passive and active abilities, meaning that they will not gain stealth from Incognito, nor will a fully upgraded Disengage buff them. In fact, Immobilizing Aura on other pets (such as wolves) will affect tamed horses, preventing them from moving and even hurting them


Hi there,

The ranger passives work on anything classified as a TameableEntity. The Horse presumably doesn't fall under that umbrella.

Do you think a horse should be affected by the ranger passives? Thematically it doesn't quite match what I had in mind, but I'm open to suggestions.


I think synergies with horses would make for an interesting way to play the class; mounted archers are quite stylish.


Thanks for your feedback!

I have made changes that allow all the Ranger pet passives to also affect mounts (including modded mounts).
I also noticed that the Tamer & Bonded passives were flipped, so that has also been fixed.
I will push these changes in the next update.

If you have any more feedback/suggestions, please don't hesitate to open another ticket or pop into the Discord. It's super useful for me at this stage of development ๐Ÿ™‚