Simply Skills [FABRIC]

Simply Skills [FABRIC]


[Request] Compatability with PlayerEx

itsyourimp opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hey there, first off, thanks for making this mod, it scratches that itch of having super cool magic abilities and leveling, while also being relatively vanilla friendly

That said, I cant help but feel the want to combine this with PlayerEx (or Director's Cut, for newer versions of Minecraft). Though I'm not super sure how you'd accomplish this without rewriting to use DataAttributes, the two mods already have compatability with relevant addons like Paladins and Priests (WizardEx and the Crusader/Priest skill tree), it'd just be a matter of tying it all together

I understand this is relatively low piro, you have Necromancy just released (and finally giving a use for Soul Spell Power might i add, thank you!) and Ascendancy, both of which may need balancing out, but if you have the time to, I'd love to realize the combination of these two.