Simply Skills [FABRIC]

Simply Skills [FABRIC]


[Suggestion] Add more perk attribute base modifires in perk tree

Dobziek opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hi, i've tried this great mod, and come to some conclusions. In combination with RPG Series it works really well, cause armors and weapons, added by these mods, already have their own base attributes modifier. For example, priest stuff, that gives +5 to healing, e.t.c.
But what if moduser wants to use armors from another mods, like MC Dungeons, or plays without any additional mods at all. This leads to situation, when even when he takes all of the percentage bonuses to perks, his spells just won't heal or deal any damage, because 0 base + 15% is still zero. Yeah, we still have first perk in mage path, but it's doesn't look to good in some heavy magical warror builds.
I've seen mods like WizzardEx, but it doesn't combines well with Simply Skills. So, maybe I just don't understand something, and this problem fixes with specific mods, or implementing more perks, that modifies base, would be a great idea.
Thanks for the great mod, It's the best RPG system mod i've ever played.