Skyblock Builder

Skyblock Builder


Cannot create spawn point "This position is too far away from the team spawn"

OshidaBCF opened this issue · 20 comments


Minecraft version


LibX version


Skyblock Builder version


Forge version


The latest.log file

Issue description

I wanted to change my spawn point because the current one was in the middle of some blocks.

After trying to add a new spawn point with the team spawns add ~ ~ ~ command, kept saying "This position is too far away from the team spawn"

So i tried to use the team spawns reset command, which removed my spawnpoint, and recreated it at 0, 0, my island is in +16k -8k

We tried to add the point again but it refuse to work around my base, i doesn't say "where" is my island, so i can't tell how "far" i am from it.

Steps to reproduce

try to use /skyblock team spawns add command

receive message "This position is too far away from the team spawn"

Other information

No response


By default, you can add spawn points up to 50 blocks away from your island. You can change this in the config under Utility/Spawns/range. If you were within the defined range, please tell me - than it could be a bug. Otherwise, you can close this issue.


Thing is that i don't know "where" exactly is my island

Even by being 5 block away of where the old spawn point was it doesn't work, even if trying to use 2^14 and -2^13 for the coordinate exactly (which seem to be one of the corner of the island, it still doesn't work

I can ask the Admin of the server to check the config, maybe he changed it.

It is a file ?


The config is a file, yes.

If you was 5 blocks away from the old point and tried to add it, it should be a bug. I will try that on my end soon. If I can create it, I need more information. If I can’t, I will tell you and fix it.

For now: What happens if you use /skyblock home? There should be any spawn point. And in a radius of ~50 blocks, you should be able to add the spawn point. If not… I will test it anyway. Just wanted to tell you where your island should be :)


if i do the /skyblock home, it tp me at 0, 0, i think around y = 80, but i cannot test or i'll be 16k blocs away of my island again.

I can't try right now because 0, 0 isn't loaded, but i think i tried earlier to create a spawn point near it, and it wouldn't work either, i tried different position of islands, as they all seem to be +-2^13 or 2^14 in x and z.


How did you get your island? It seems like you're not really part of the island team on "your island". I checked now: I always can add a spawn point near my island.
For more clarification, I'd need the skyblockbuilder.dat file from the world and your UUID or username. Otherwise, I don't know what the problem could be.
You could also try to list your team with /skyblock list <team name>. If you're in this list, it should work fine. should


How did you get your island?
by falling while walking forward form another team island

And for me being in my team, i am 100% sure i am "in" it, i can "edit" some properties of it, if it try to visit it, it say "you cannot visit your own island".

My User Name is : Oshida_BCFreedom


Yes, I think resetting does the wrong thing.


Your team island should be at X16384 Y64 Z -8192. Near this, you should be able to add a spawn point. If that's no possible, I have no idea what went wrong. I just know that I don't know how you managed it to delete all your spawn points.


so 2^14 and -2^13 like i said...

Maybe the Y matter so i'll test around Y = 64, but like you i do not understand how this happened.

Maybe the "spawn reset" function doesn't properly work ?


This warning should appear.


For the reset function ?

there was no warning, it just deleted the point and made a new one, while the GUI "remove" button gave me an error

I will ask the admin if he can tell me the "range" of the spawnpoint.

Where is the config file located by default ?
or named ?


No, this warning was for removing the spawn point by using the command. /skyblock team spawns remove x y z

The GUI gave you an error? But still removed it? Good to know, then I look at the wrong mod for this error.

The file is located in config/skyblockbuilder/common-config.json5 or similiar.


Ah no

When trying to remove a spawn point using the GUI the "remove" button would just tell me "you only have 1 spawn point, you can't do that"

While the /skyblock team spawns reset didn't gave me any warning and removed my spawnpoint.


Sweet, what was it ?
i'm curious


I know the issue, it's in the reset command. Will fix it now. An admin or mod needs to edit the skyblock_builder.dat file to re-add your default spawns. If they need help for that, they can contact me via Discord (MelanX#7949), or here.


I cleared the object of a Set. This set was the original Set. I took this Set to set the Sets for the spawns and the default spawns. Before that, I cleared these both Sets. The Set I use to add the default spawns to both Sets would be cleared in this situation, too.
My fix: before I get the Set, I simply create a new Set.

So many sets... in only 6 se(n)tences.





Can you notify me when you create a new version of the mod on curse ?


It's online


well that was fast