Skyblock Builder

Skyblock Builder


Generation of the End and the Nether normal

rlcoldx opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Is it possible to put so that I try the Nether and the End to generate the normal world? Because even if I put Default true, they still continue to generate nothing.

`"Dimensions": {

"End": {

  // Should end generate as in default world type? [default: false]
  "Default": true,
  // Should the main island be generated as normal? [default: true]
  "mainIsland": true

"Nether": {

  // Should nether generate as in default world type? [default: false]
  "Default": true

"Overworld": {

  // Should overworld generate as in default world type? [default: false]
  "Default": false



Please use the bug report template to submit this issue, I need these information.