Skyblock Builder

Skyblock Builder


Generation of the End and the Nether default is not working.

rlcoldx opened this issue · 4 comments


Minecraft version


LibX version


Skyblock Builder version


Forge version


The latest.log file

Issue description

Is it possible to put so that I try the Nether and the End to generate the normal world? Because even if I put Default true, they still continue to generate nothing.

`"Dimensions": {

"End": {

// Should end generate as in default world type? [default: false]
"Default": true,

// Should the main island be generated as normal? [default: true]
"mainIsland": true

"Nether": {

// Should nether generate as in default world type? [default: false]
"Default": true

"Overworld": {

// Should overworld generate as in default world type? [default: false]
"Default": false

Steps to reproduce

No response

Other information

No response


Sadly, I can’t see the log. Did you configure it as private paste, or do I just need for moderation? If you set it to private, please create a public one, else I’m just waiting until it’s approved :)


Did you generate the world with these settings, or did you adjust these settings after first world load?
If the world was created before changing the config, the void dimensions are mentioned in the level.dat file. Then, even if you delete the folder for nether and end, it will generate void dimensions. In that case, if you want to stay with this world, you could try to edit the level.dat file. The world generation settings for end and nether could be modified to match a vanilla world.

If you changed it before, I don't have an idea what's the problem. Maybe I need your level.dat file (zip it and upload it here).


That was it. I generated a new level.dat and now it worked normally. Thanks.