Skyblock Builder

Skyblock Builder


Crash on server launch: Name and ID cannot both be blank

jmadarg opened this issue · 4 comments


Minecraft version


LibX version


Skyblock Builder version


Forge version


Relevant Log

Crash Report

Issue description

Sometimes server crashes on launch. Server is running Project Sacrifice, a 1.18.2 Forge modpack.
We already tried upgrading the version of the mod to the latest for 1.18.2 (1.18.2-3.3.33), but issue kept happening. The fix we found for now was to whitelist the server until it fully starts.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start the server
  2. Wait
  3. When server is about to finish start, it crashes

Other information

Modpack: Project Sacrifice


What do you mean by "to whitelist the server until it fully starts"? How to whitelist a server?
I created a server using a hoster who offers this modpack, had no problem starting the server. After joining, still no crash.


In the file you can enable white-list to only allow whitelisted players to join.

We thought it was a solution, but it turns out it was just a fluke, server keeps crashing at least 2~3 times on every restart. It's extremely random and haven't been able to reproduce it on a local server.

Do you want me to send the skyblock_builder.dat file to take a look?


Yes, you can send it. Could you also include other files which aren’t default? If you changed, this file. And others, too. And maybe the level.dat, too. If anywhere is the IP (I don’t know), you can remove it, obviously.
Thanks in advance!


Sorry for the delay, I was on my phone so couldn't get the files. Can I email you or send you the files through discord? Don't really feel comfortable sharing them publicly