Skyblock Builder

Skyblock Builder


I can't create a default world by using this mod

fhfzfy1231 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Minecraft version


LibX version


Skyblock Builder version


Forge version


The latest.log file

Issue description

As the wiki says:
Setting world type on server as default
If you want to provide a custom file, set the level-type to skyblockbuilder:skyblock. Otherwise, it's the same as in [single player].

I've already changed the value of 'level-type' to 'skyblockbuilder:skyblock', but when I start the server and try to create a skyblock, it doesn't create properly. When players enter the game, they find that they still spawn in the normal world.
Meanwhile, I haven't modified any content under 'config/skyblockbuilder'.
I just want players to spawn on the skyblock when they join the server, but I can't achieve that.
Would this conflict with biome mods like 'Biomes O' Plenty' or 'Oh The Biomes You'll Go'? I suspect that it might be because '' generates the world first, and then when loading biome generation mods, it overrides the terrain of this mod.

Steps to reproduce

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Other information

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Did you try without these mods? It shouldn't conflict but maybe it is.

Otherwise, you could try to create a world in singleplayer and upload the level.dat file onto the server. Then, remove the other files in the world folder. Maybe this works as a workaround?


Hmmmm. Well, I generated the map locally and then uploaded it to the server, so now it should be working fine. Also, removing the biome mod can allow the map to generate correctly.
Thank you for providing the insight.