Skyblock Builder

Skyblock Builder


Players added to teams when acceptor is on a bottom half slab spawn into the void

kreezxil opened this issue · 4 comments



Minecraft: 1.16.5
Forge: 36.1.4
Skyblock Builder: 1.4.2
Modpack: Sky Stream Madness

Describe the bug

When players are accepted or invited to an island, when that is finalized if the request or accept was accepted such that one is on a bottom half slab, their spawn is set to the next full block below the bottom half-slab. And thus the eternal death loop. Where the spawn above the void and fall back into it.

I'm not sure if that is how it's happening but it appears to be that way.

Ok, we just verified and reinvited the player the death loop was happening to while on a full block and they no longer respawn below the block to fall into the void.


Sadly, I can't reproduce it. Tried different methods with half slabs (bottom and top) and I never spawned in void.
Could you provide a video for that?


Because I could not reproduce it, could you test if this still happens in 1.5.0+? This version fixed a bit stuff with spawn positions.
